4 ways to care for your toothbrush.

By 2020년 7월 17일ARTICLE


Once a tooth is damaged, it is difficult to return it, and it is important to keep it healthy when it is a healthy tooth.

Brushing your teeth after eating is basic, and brushing teeth is one of the most basic dental care you can do yourself to remove plugs and debris to clean or disinfect the mouth.

Storing the toothbrush incorrectly increases the likelihood of developing various oral diseases, such as gum disease and tooth decay. So today, I will tell you in detail about how to care for your toothbrush.



1. Change the toothbrush every 3 months.

-In general, the replacement cycle is 3-4 months. It can be changed according to the brushing method and strength of the individual, so it is better to replace the brush quickly if the bristles are worn or worn out before the toothbrush replacement cycle.

2. Please keep it away from moisture.

-Many people keep their toothbrushes in the bathroom and desk drawers. At this time, it is better to store the toothbrush on the side of the window that is well-ventilated and well-ventilated because the moisture and wind are not good, so the bacteria can easily reproduce. It dries naturally and you can use a clean toothbrush with UV disinfection effect.

3. Rinse thoroughly after brushing.

-After brushing your teeth, it is also important to rinse them clean. Care must be taken in running water and care should be taken not to get toothpaste or food debris inside the brush head. It is recommended to sterilize the baking soda at least once a week for 10 minutes in warm water when the residue remains, because the bacteria are easy to reproduce.

4. Keep it away from the toilet.

-When you flush the toilet, very fine cloud of germs are formed. If the water is flushed without the lid closed, small clouds of up to 2 m are formed, and these bacterial clouds contain E. coli, which can reach all around the toilet. So it is recommended to keep the toothbrush as far away as possible from the toilet.

Today, I learned more about how to care for the toothbrush. Based on the toothbrush management method, brush your teeth thoroughly 3 times a day, for more than 3 minutes, and take care of healthy teeth. I hope you find it helpful.


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