

플라그속 세균수가 항문보다 많다는 사실을 알고계시나요?

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사실 우리 구강내에는 약 100억개의 세균이 있다고 하고

그 수치는 항문에 있는 세균보다도 많으며,

구강상태가 나쁜 사람의 경우는 세균이 1조개가 넘기도 한다고 하네요.




이러한 플라그 균을 방치하고 제대로 된 구강관리를 하지 않으면

출처 입력

치주염으로 진행이 되어 치아 건강을 잃게 되는 결과를 초래할 뿐만 아니라 경제적으로도 많은 부담을 안게 됩니다 그러기에 치주염을 예방하는 것은 플라그가 치석으로 되기전에 양치질로 제거하는것이 가장중요하며, 칫솔의 선택이 그 어느때보다 중요합니다.



가천대 치위생학과 임상 실험을 통해

출처 입력

잇몸에는 자극을 주지 않으면서 치면 세균막, 즉 플라그 제거가 일반미세모와 비교했을 때 훨씬 뛰어난 엠보싱 미세모 칫솔을 소개해 드립니다. 엠보싱 미세모는 칫솔모 가닥가닥 특허받은 엠보싱 처리를 하여 세척력을 증대시켜 플라그 제거가 뛰어날 뿐 아니라 실험 대상자들의 제품 만족도도 높게 나타남을 확인하였습니다.


사진 설명을 입력하세요.

올바른 칫솔 선택은 바로 구강건강의 시작임과 동시에 완성입니다.

오복의 하나인 건강한 치아관리 오늘부터 엠보싱 칫솔과 함께하세요~~


effect rather than bacterial sterilization.

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The part where the bristles are attached to the head can be full of bacteria such as Streptococcus, which causes oral cavity. Antibacterial test for Silver Nano toothbrushes was successfully verified. In the first experiment, a Silver Nano toothbrush was submerged on a culture medium of Streptococcus. The results were positive as bactericidal and antifungal inhibition were not shown. In the second experiment, both Nano toothbrush and ordinary toothbrush were rinsed after brushing. As a result of culturing, the bacterial proliferation was significantly lower in that of the Nano toothbrush than in the ordinary toothbrush. The Silver Nano toothbrush proved its capability in restraining the remaining bacteria. In conclusion,

the Silver Nano toothbrush contains a harmless residual bacterial inhibitory effect rather than bacterial sterilization.

Improved and highly effective plaque

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The part where the bristles are attached to the head can be full of bacteria such as Streptococcus, which causes oral cavity. Antibacterial test for Silver Nano toothbrushes was successfully verified. In the first experiment, a Silver Nano toothbrush was submerged on a culture medium of Streptococcus. The results were positive as bactericidal and antifungal inhibition were not shown. In the second experiment, both Nano toothbrush and ordinary toothbrush were rinsed after brushing. As a result of culturing, the bacterial proliferation was significantly lower in that of the Nano toothbrush than in the ordinary toothbrush. The Silver Nano toothbrush proved its capability in restraining the remaining bacteria. In conclusion,

the Silver Nano toothbrush contains a harmless residual bacterial inhibitory effect rather than bacterial sterilization.


99.9% Antibacterial Bristles

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The part where the bristles are attached to the head can be full of bacteria such as Streptococcus, which causes oral cavity. Antibacterial test for Silver Nano toothbrushes was successfully verified. In the first experiment, a Silver Nano toothbrush was submerged on a culture medium of Streptococcus. The results were positive as bactericidal and antifungal inhibition were not shown. In the second experiment, both Nano toothbrush and ordinary toothbrush were rinsed after brushing. As a result of culturing, the bacterial proliferation was significantly lower in that of the Nano toothbrush than in the ordinary toothbrush. The Silver Nano toothbrush proved its capability in restraining the remaining bacteria. In conclusion,

the Silver Nano toothbrush contains a harmless residual bacterial inhibitory effect rather than bacterial sterilization.

FDA approved Nano Silver Toothbrush

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The part where the bristles are attached to the head can be full of bacteria such as Streptococcus, which causes oral cavity. Antibacterial test for Nano Silver toothbrushes was successfully verified. In the first experiment, a Nano Silver toothbrush was submerged on a culture medium of Streptococcus. The results were positive as bactericidal and antifungal inhibition were not shown. In the second experiment, both Nano Silver toothbrush and ordinary toothbrush were rinsed after brushing. As a result of culturing, the bacterial proliferation was significantly lower in that of the Nano Silver toothbrush than in the ordinary toothbrush. The Nano Silver toothbrush proved its capability in restraining the remaining bacteria. In conclusion,

the Nano Silver toothbrush contains a harmless residual bacterial inhibitory effect rather than bacterial sterilization.